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  1. M. Jelali (2013): Control Performance Management in Industrial Automation: Assessment, Diagnosis and Improvement of Control Loop Performance. Springer-Verlag, London

  2. M. Jelali, B. Huang (Eds.) (2010): Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops: State of the Art and Advanced Methods. Springer-Verlag, London

  3. ​M. Jelali, A. Kroll (2003): Hydraulic Servo-Systems: Modelling, Identification and Control. Springer-Verlag, London

Book Chapters

  1. C. Bartholdt, F. Kopin, M. Jelali (2015): Modellbasierte Auslegung und Optimierung von Kaltwalzwerken. Walzen von Flachprodukten, Bauer G., Schadt W. (Eds.), Springer-Verlag

  2. M. Jelali, R. Dittmar (2014): Control Performance Monitoring (CPM). Handbuch der Prozessautomatisierung - Prozessleittechnik für verfahrenstechnische Anlagen, Früh K.F., Maier U., Schaufel D. (Eds.), Chapter 3.5, Vulkan Verlag

  3. S. Karra, M. Jelali, M. N. Karim, A. Horch (2010): Detection of Oscillating Control Loops. Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops: State of the Art and Advanced Methods, Jelali M., Huang B. (Eds.), Chapter 4, Springer-Verlag, London

  4. M. Jelali (2010): Estimation of Valve Stiction Using Separable Least-squares and Global Search Algorithms. Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops: State of the Art and Advanced Methods, Jelali M., Huang B. (Eds.), Chapter 10, Springer-Verlag, London

  5. M. Jelali, C. Scali (2010): Comparative Study of Valve-stiction-detection Methods. Detection and Diagnosis of Stiction in Control Loops: State of the Art and Advanced Methods, Jelali M., Huang B. (Eds.), Chapter 13, Springer-Verlag, London

Journal Papers

  1. M. Jelali (2024): Deep learning networks-based tomato disease and pest detection: A first review of research studies using real field datasets. Frontiers Plant Science 2024, 15, 1493322. (Peer-reviewed/Open Access) doi: 10.3389/fpls.2024.1493322 

  2. F. Schneider, J. W. Swiatek, M. Jelali (2024): Detection of Growth Stages of Chilli Plants in a Hydroponic Grower Using Machine Vision and YOLOv8 Deep Learning Algorithms. Sustainability 2024, 16, 6424. (peer-reviewed/Open Access) doi: 10.3390/su16156420

  3. M. Jelali, K. Papadopoulos (2024): Inline Inspection of Packaged Food Using Microwave/Terahertz Sensing—An Overview With Focus on Confectionery Products. Processes 2024. (peer-reviewed/Open Access) doi: 10.3390/pr12040712

  4. K. Papadopoulos, M. Jelali (2023): A Comparative Study on Recent Progress of Machine Learning-based Human Activity Recognition with Radar. Applied Sciences 2023, 13, 12728. (peer-reviewed/Open Access)
    doi: 10.3390/app132312728

  5. L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali, J. Denker, B. Baumann, K. Wachsmann (2022): Revolutionäre Messtechnik für extreme Betriebsbedingungen – Hochpräzise Radarsensoren und Radarmesssysteme für Warmbandwalzwerke. Stahl + Technik 4:28–33

  6. M. Jelali, L. Al-Shrouf, D. Zander (2022): Revolutionäre Messtechnik für extreme Betriebsbedingungen – Neue Radarmesssysteme zur Materialdetektion und Breitenmessung in Warmwalzwerken. Stahl + Technik 1/2:38–41

  7. M.-L. Chung, M. Widdel, J. Kirchhoff, J. Sellin, M. Jelali, F. Geiser, M. Mücke, R. Conrad (2022): Risk factors for pressure ulcers in adult patients: A meta-analysis on sociodemographic factors and the Braden scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing, Feb 2022. (peer-reviewed/Open Access) doi: 10.1111/jocn.16260

  8. M.-L. Chung, M. Widdel, J. Kirchhoff, J. Sellin, M. Jelali, F. Geiser, M. Mücke, R. Conrad (2022): Risk factors for pressure ulcers in adult patients: A narrative synthesis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19(2), 761. (peer-reviewed/Open Access) doi: 10.3390/ijerph19020761

  9. M. Bauer, A. Horch, L. Xie, M. Jelali, Thornhill N. (2016): The current state of control loop performance monitoring – A survey of application in industry. Journal of Process Control 38:1–10. (peer-reviewed)

  10. M. Jelali, D. Zander, D. Nüßler (2016): Inlinemessung mit Radartechnik – eine neue Revolution in der Prozessautomation?. Stahl und Eisen 136(1):60–68

  11. S. Zareba, A. Wolff, M. Jelali (2016): Mathematical modelling and parameter identification of a stainless steel annealing furnace. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 60:15–39. (peer-reviewed)

  12. A. Rother, M. Jelali, D. Söffker (2015): A brief review and a first application of time-frequency-based analysis methods with application to strip rolling mills. Journal of Process Control 35:65–79. (peer-reviewed)

  13. C. Bartholdt, F. Kopin, M. Jelali (2014): Universelles Planheitsmodell zur Prozessoptimierung in Kaltwalzwerken. Stahl und Eisen 134(11):182–188

  14. J. Polzer, M. Jelali (2011): Mehrgrößenregelung mit Entkopplung von Banddicke und Bandplanheit in 20-Rollen-Kaltwalzwerken. at–Automatisierungstechnik 59:730–737. (peer-reviewed)

  15. M. Jelali, S. Karra (2010): Automatische Diagnose oszillierender Regelkreise in komplexen industriellen Anlagen. at–Automatisierungstechnik 57:206–216. (peer-reviewed)

  16. M. Jelali, A. Wolff, D. Sonnenschein (2009): Internal Model Control zur Regelung der Bandplanheit in Kaltwalzwerken. at–Automatisierungstechnik 57:206–216. (peer-reviewed)

  17. M. Jelali (2008): Estimation of valve stiction in control loops using separable least-squares and global search algorithms. Journal of Process Control 18:632–642. (peer-reviewed)

  18. M. Jelali (2007): Performance assessment of control systems in rolling mills – Application to strip thickness and flatness control. Journal of Process Control 17:805–816. (peer-reviewed)

  19. M. Jelali, D. Sonnenschein, A. Wolff, H. Kothe, S. Mintken (2007): New high performance flatness control system for tandem cold mills. Millennium Steel 2007:177–179

  20. M. Jelali (2007): Automatisches Reglertuning basierend auf Methoden des Control Performance Monitoring. at–Automatisierungstechnik 55:10–19. (peer-reviewed)

  21. M. Jelali (2006): An overview of control performance assessment technology and industrial applications. Control Engineering Practice 14:441–466. (peer-reviewed)

  22. M. Jelali (2006): Regelkreisüberwachung in der Metallindustrie Teil 1: Klassifikation und Beschreibung der Methoden. at–Automatisierungstechnik 54:36–46. (peer-reviewed)

  23. M. Jelali (2006): Regelkreisüberwachung in der Metallindustrie Teil 2: Anwendungskonzept und Fallstudie. at–Automatisierungstechnik 54:93–99. (peer-reviewed)

  24. A. Wolff, M. Jelali, U. Müller, M. Henkes, H. Krauthäuser, G. Stallknecht (2003): New automatic control system for colour coating lines. Metallurgical Plant and Technology (MPT) International 6/2003:52–55

  25. A. Wolff, M. Jelali, U. Müller, M. Henkes, H. Krauthäuser, G. Stallknecht (2003): Neues System zur automatischen Regelung von Lackbeschichtungsanlagen. Stahl und Eisen 123(8):1–7

  26. M. Jelali, A. Wolff, H.-J. Kipper, M. Schiller M. (2003): Improved Flatness in EKO’s Tandem Cold Mill. La Revue de Métallurgie-CIT, Oktober 2003:987–992. (peer-reviewed)

  27. M. Jelali, M. Müller, A. Wolff, W. Ungerer, G. Thiemann (2002): Advanced measurement and flatness control for hot strip mills. La Revue de Métallurgie-CIT, Juni 2002:517–522. (peer-reviewed)

  28. M. Jelali, Müller U., A. Wolff, R. Fackert (2002): New system for strip flatness control during hot rolling. Millennium Steel 2002:174–178

  29. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, W. Ungerer, R. Fackert (2002): Einsatz moderner Regelkonzepte zur besseren Nutzung anlagentechnischer Potentiale. Stahl und Eisen 122(8):35–39

  30. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, W. Ungerer (2001): Advanced control strategies in rolling mills. Metallurgical Plant and Technology (MPT) International 3/2001:54–58

  31. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, W. Ungerer (2001): Moderne Regelungsstrategien im Walzwerksbereich. Stahl und Eisen 121(2):43–50

  32. M. Jelali (2000): Explicit models of thickness profile and tension stress distribution for process control applications. Steel Research 71, No. 6+7:228–232. (peer-reviewed)

  33. M. Jelali, H. Schwarz (1996): Volterra series expansion for state quadratic systems. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 6:67–76

  34. M. Jelali, H. Schwarz (1995): Nonlinear identification of hydraulic servo-drive systems. IEEE Control Systems Magazine 15:17–22. (peer-reviewed)

Conference Papers

  1. R. Rosenthal, S. Koldorf, E. Shvydkii, N. Albersmann, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2024): Improving Steel Quality in Continuous Casting: A Novel Machine Learning-based Framework for Guide Roll Alignment Control and Quality Prediction. 11th European Continuous Casting Conference (ECCC), October 7–11, 2024, Essen, Germany

  2. R. Rosenthal, F. Gerz, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2024): Innovative machine learning based approach for reliable and accurate measurement of guide roll alignment in continuous casting plants. Proceedings of the 11th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (EWSHM 2024), June 10-13, 2024, Potsdam, Germany. (peer-reviewed) DOI: 10.58286/29786

  3. M. Ateeq, R. Feuser, H. Ratjen, F. Ziegler, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2024): Mathematical Modeling of Thermal Behavior of PCBs in a Modular Magazine Convection Oven. Automation, Robotics & Communications
    for Industry 4.0/5.0 (ARCI' 2024): 4th IFSA Winter Conference, February 7–9, Innsbruck, Austria, pp. 189–194. (peer-reviewed)

  4. F. Gerz, M. Jelali, F. Kuthe (2023): Neuartiges Lehrkonzept für Machine Learning mit Industrial IoT-Plattfom. Teaching & learning draft – Entwurfsmuster, TURN Conference, September 13–15, TH Köln. (peer-reviewed)

  5. F. Gerz, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2023): A comparative analysis of concept drift detection methods with a systematic and innovative approach of method selection. 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, CA, USA, September 12–14. (peer-reviewed)

  6. H. Al Joumaa, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2023): Novel approach for imaging time series for the improvement of classification results „Grayscale Fingerprint Features Field Imaging (G3FI)”. 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, CA, USA, September 12–14. (peer-reviewed)

  7. M. Ateeq, R. Feuser, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2023): Review of various curing processes and techniques of Printed Circuit Board (PCB) and introduction of new innovative thermal curing technique. 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford University, CA, USA September 12–14. (peer-reviewed)

  8. J. W. Swiatek, F. Kuthe, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2023): Development of a hydroponics simulator to generate guidelines for data collection in hydroponics for machine learning applications. Agriculture & Food - 11th International Conference, Burgas, Bulgaria, August 14–17

  9. L. Al-Shrouf, J. A. Krauland, F. Schneider, J. T. Wonneberger, M. Mushoff, J. W. Swiatek, M. Jelali (2023): Analysis of environmental and growing conditions for maximum yield of chickpeas cultivation in vertical hydroponic systems. Agriculture & Food - 11th International Conference, Burgas, Bulgaria, August 14–17

  10. A. Weber, J. Denker, M. Jelali (2022): A learning procedure for detection of process anomalies in the production of metallic long products and a new industrial case study. 1st IFAC Workshop on Control of Complex Systems (COSY 2022), Bologna, Italy, November 24–25. (peer-reviewed)

  11. F. Gerz; T. R. Bastürk, J. Kirchhoff, J. Denker, L. Al-Shrouf, M. Jelali (2022): A comparative study and a new industrial platform for decentralized anomaly detection using machine learning algorithms. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJNN), Padua, Italy, 18–23 Juli. (peer-reviewed)

  12. J. Denker; V. Iannino, C. Laudenberg, A. Tenner, M. Daun, M. Jelali (2022): Improved temperature monitoring and control of production lines in casting through BaSyx framework and edge intelligence. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI) / International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJNN), Padua, Italy, 18–23 Juli. (peer-reviewed)

  13. A. Bathelt, D. Söffker, M. Jelali (2017): An approach to recursive subspace identification. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 12–15 Dec., Melbourne, Australia. (peer-reviewed)

  14. A. Bathelt, D. Söffker, M. Jelali (2015): A combined algorithm of the subspace identification methods ORT and CCA. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 15–18 Dec., Osaka, Japan. (peer-reviewed)

  15. T. Friebel, K. Zabet, R. Haber, M. Jelali (2015): Predictive functional control of tandem cold metal rolling. Proc. IEEE Multi-Conference on Systems and Control (MSC), 21–23 Sept., Sydney, Australia. (peer-reviewed)

  16. A. Bathelt, N. L. Ricker, M. Jelali (2015): Revision of the Tennessee Eastman process model. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Chemical Processes (ADCHEM), 7–10 June, Whistler, Canada. (peer-reviewed)

  17. A. Rother, M. Jelali, D. Söffker (2015): Signal-based fault prognosis approach applied to industrial data. IWSHM 10th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 1–3 Sept., Stanford, USA. (peer-reviewed)

  18. A. Bathelt, M. Jelali (2014): Comparative study of subspace identification methods on the Tennessee Eastman process under disturbance effects. Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP), 28–30 May, Hiroshima, Japan. (peer-reviewed)

  19. S. Zareba, S. Lakshminarayana, M. Jelali (2014): A new controller tuning method based on the relative damping index. Proc. International Symposium on Advanced Control of Industrial Processes (ADCONIP), 28–30 May, Hiroshima, Japan. (peer-reviewed)

  20. A. Rother, M. Jelali, D. Söffker (2014): Development of a fault detection approach based on SVM applied to industrial data. Proc. Le Cam, Vincent and Mevel, Laurent and Schoefs, Franck. EWSHM - European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 8–11 July, Nantes, France. (peer-reviewed)

  21. S. Zareba S., M. Chemnitz, A. Vollmer, M. Jelali (2014): Fehlerdiagnose von hydraulischen Stellantrieben in Walzanlagen mittels eines Unscented Kalman-Filters. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), 19–20 Nov., Aachen, Germany

  22. A. Rother, M. Jelali, D. Söffker (2014): Entwicklung eines Verfahrens zur Fehlerdiagnose mittels Support Vector Machine auf Basis von gemessenen Betriebsdaten. Aachener Kolloquium für Instandhaltung, Diagnose und Anlagenüberwachung (AKIDA), 19–20 Nov., Aachen, Germany

  23. C. Pinno, H. Krambeer, M. Jelali, W. Klos (2014): Analyse und Optimierung der Warmwalzstufe an einer Bandgießanlage bzgl. Bandplanheit. XXXIII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, 15–18.03., Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria

  24. L. Al-Shrouf, J. Gedenk, M. Jelali, D. Söffker (2013): Modular signal-based condition monitoring of a hydraulic servo-system. Proc. International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), Stanford, CA, USA, 10–12 Sept. (peer-reviewed)

  25. J. Gedenk, S. Zareba, M. Jelali (2013): Condition monitoring for hydraulic systems in rolling mills using unscented Kalman filter. Proc. International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring (IWSHM), 10–12 Sept., Stanford, CA, USA. (peer-reviewed)

  26. A. Wolff, M. Jelali (2012): Continuous performance evaluation of control systems for reducing energy consumption in annealing lines. International ATS Steelmaking Conference, 18–19 Dec., Paris, France

  27. J. Polzer, A. Wolff, M. Jelali, M. Truskowski, R. Fackert, T. Hermey (2012): Integrated thickness and flatness control for Sendzimir mills. International ATS Steelmaking Conference, 18–19 Dec., Paris, France

  28. U. Müller, M. Jelali, H. Krambeer, G. Mücke, J. Polzer, A. Wolff (2011): Entwicklungen des BFI zur Messung und Regelung der Planheit beim Flachwalzen. XXX. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, 26.02.–01.03., Planneralm/Steiermark, Austria, pp. 133–138

  29. M. Jelali, M. Thorman, A. Wolff, P. Foerster, T. Müller, A. Metzul, R. Nötzel (2007): How to get control systems working best: new ways to monitor and ensure peak control performance in steel processing. METEC InSteelCon (International Steel Conference on New Developments in Metallurgical Process Technologies), 11–15 June, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 385–393. (peer-reviewed)

  30. M. Jelali, D. Sonnenschein, A. Wolff, H. Kothe, S. Mintken (2006): New flatness control system at the tandem cold mill of EKO Stahl. International ATS Steelmaking Conference, 14–15 Dec. 2006, Paris

  31. H. Ratjen, M. Jelali (2006): Performance monitoring for feedback and feedforward control with application to strip thickness control. Proc. Research and Education in Mechatronics, June 15–16, 2006, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden

  32. M. Jelali (2005): Regelkreisüberwachung in der Metallindustrie: Anforderungen, Stand der Technik und Anwendungen. VDI-Berichte Nr. 1883, pp. 429–439 (GMA-Kongress: Automation als interdisziplinäre Herausforderung, 2005, Baden-Baden, Germany). (peer-reviewed)

  33. M. Jelali (2005): Instandhaltung und Optimierung stahlverarbeitender Prozesse durch Einsatz von Performance Monitoring Systemen. GMA-FA6.22 Aussprachetag ”Anlagenoptimierung durch Performance Monitoring und Alarm Management“, 07./08.04.2005, Düsseldorf, Germany

  34. F. Gorgels, M. Jelali, R. Lathe, G. Mücke, U. Müller, W. Ungerer, A. Wolff (2003): State of the art and future trends in metal processing control. METEC Congress (European Rolling Conference), 16–18 June 2003, Düsseldorf, Germany, pp. 393–402

  35. M. Jelali, A. Wolff, H.-J. Kipper, M. Schiller (2002): Improved flatness in EKO’s tandem cold mill. Proc. of the International ATS Steelmaking Conference, 11–12 Dec. 2002, Paris, France, pp. 56–57

  36. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, W. Ungerer, R. Fackert (2001): Einsatz moderner Regelkonzepte zur besseren Nutzung anlagentechnischer Potentiale. Stahl 2001, Sept. 2001, Düsseldorf, Germany

  37. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, G. Thiemann G. (2001): Advanced measurement and control for hot strip mills. Proc. International ATS Steelmaking Conference, 12–13 Dec. 2001, Paris, pp. 122–123

  38. O. Totz, M. Jelali (1999): Dynamic simulation for design and optimization of HGC systems in cold rolling mills. Proc. European Control Conference (ECC’99), 31.08.–03.09., Karlsruhe, Germany. (peer-reviewed)

  39. H. Pu, H.-J. Nern, R. Roemer, H. A. Nour Eldin, M. Jelali, O. Totz, P. Kern (1999): State-observer design and the hardware-in-the-loop simulations and on-line tests of an integrated thickness and flatness control system for the 20 rolls Sendzimir cold rolling mill. Proc. International Conference on Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes, 13.–15.12., London, UK, pp. 208–216. (peer-reviewed)

  40. H. Pu, H.-J. Nern, R. Roemer, H. A. Nour Eldin, P. Kern, M. Jelali (1998): State-observer design and verification towards developing an integrated flatness control system for the 20 roll Sendzimir cluster mill. Proc. International Conference on Steel Rolling (STEEL ROLLING ’98), Chiba, Japan, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, pp. 124–129. (peer-reviewed)

  41. M. Jelali, O. Totz, R. Börgens (1998): A new dynamic simulator and an open CACSD environment for rolling mills. Preprints IFAC Symposium on Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing (MMM’98), 01.–03.09., Köln, Germany, pp. 205–209. (peer-reviewed)

  42. M. Jelali, O. Totz (1998): A new dynamic simulator for rolling mills. Book of Abstracts of the Symposium 8 on Control of External Product Properties, 10.04., The Institute of Materials, London, UK. (peer-reviewed)

  43. M. Berger, M. Jelali (1996): Robust model-based fuzzy observer for an inverted pendulum. Proc. Conference of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, 19.–22.06., Berkeley, USA. (peer-reviewed)

  44. H. Schwarz, R. Ingenbleek, M. Jelali (1996): Application of bilinear system models and design methods to hydrostatic drives. IFAC World Congress, 30.06.–05.07., San Francisco, USA, pp. 353–358. (peer-reviewed)

  45. M. Jelali, M. Spielmann (1996): Continuous-time identification of nonlinear models: a case study and a software package. International Symposium on the Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS’96), 24.–28. June, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. (peer-reviewed)

  46. M. Jelali, H. Schwarz (1995): Continuous-time identification of hydraulic servo-drive nonlinear models. Proc. European Control Conference (ECC’95), 5.–8.09., Rom, Italy, pp. 1545–1549. (peer-reviewed)

  47. M. Jelali, H. Schwarz (1995): On the quadratic modelling of nonlinear plants with application to an electro-hydraulic drive. Proc. IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems Design (NOLCOS’95), 25.–28.06., Tahoe City, California, USA, pp. 406–410. (peer-reviewed)

Patents and Patent Applications

  1. S. Zareba, M. Jelali (2015): BaDiHoSe – Banddickenmessung mittels Hochfrequenzsensoren. Erfindermeldung TH Köln/Provendis, 2015

  2. M. Jelali (2014): Verfahren zum Messen und Regeln der Ebenheit eines durch Bandwalzen erzeugten Bandes. Deutsche Patentanmeldung 102014007381A1, ASINCO GmbH

  3. J. Polzer, M. Jelali, G. Mücke, A. Wolff (2013): Verfahren zur Regelung einer Streckbiegerichtmaschine oder einer Formschlussbiegemaschine. Offenlegungsschrift DE 102012006161A1, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  4. M. Markworth, J. Polzer, M. Jelali (2006): Verfahren und Vorrichtung zur Verminderung von Schwingungen in einer Walzanlage. Deutsche Patentanmeldung, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  5. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, G. Thiemann (2005): Mehrgrößen-Planheitsregelsystem.

  6. Europäische Patentschrift EP 1181992B2, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  7. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff (2005): Regelverfahren und Regler für ein Walzgerüst (Integrierte modellgestützte Dicken-, Querprofil- und Planheitsregelung für reversierende Kaltwalzgerüste). Patentschrift DE 102004005011B2, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  8. M. Jelali, D. Sonnenschein, A. Wolff (2004): Planheitsregelsystem für eine Walzstraße.

  9. Eingetragenes Gebrauchsmuster Nr. 203 20 403.4, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  10. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff, G. Thiemann (2004): Multivariable Flatness Control System. US Patent No. 6,721,620B2, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH

  11. M. Jelali, A. Wolff (2002): Verfahren zur Führung eines Stahlverarbeitungsprozesses, insbesondere eines Warmwalzprozesses. Offenlegungsschrift DE 10122322A1, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

  12. M. Jelali, U. Müller, A. Wolff (2002): Adaptive Regelung von Mehrrollen-Lackbeschichtungssystemen für Metallbänder. Patentschrift DE 103 06 837.6, VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut

Workshop and Other Presentations

  1. M. Jelali: Stand und Zukunft des industriellen Vertical Indoor Farming. Vortrag, Workshop "KI revolutioniert die Landwirtschaft!" des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland, 24. November 2023, TH Köln

  2. M. Jelali: Einführung in Indoor Vertical Farming. Vortrag, Workshop "KI revolutioniert die Landwirtschaft!" des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland, 24. November 2023, TH Köln

  3. M. Jelali, L. Al-Shrouf: Urban/Vertical/Indoor Farming – Vision, Stand der Wissenschaft und industriellen Praxis. Vortrag, Workshop "Mahlzeit 4.0: KI revolutioniert die Landwirtschaft!" des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland, 9. Mai 2023, TH Köln

  4. L. Al-Shrouf*, M. Jelali: Einführung in KI und ihre Anwendung in Landwirtschaft. Vortrag, Workshop "Mahlzeit 4.0: KI revolutioniert die Landwirtschaft!" des Mittelstand-Digital Zentrum Rheinland, 9. Mai 2023, TH Köln

  5. M. Jelali: Hochpräzise Radarmesstechnik für smarte Automation. Vortrag auf der Turck Pressekonferenz, 13. November 2019, Germany

  6. M. Jelali, S. Zareba, A. Demidko: Advanced Solutions for Industrial Process Control. Vortrag, Workshop Millimeterwellenradar, Fraunhofer-Institut für Hochfrequenzphysik und Radartechnik (FHR), 6. Mai 2015, Wachtberg, Germany

  7. M. Jelali: Ein neuer Ansatz zur modellbasierten Fehlerdiagnose in Walzanlagen am Beispiel hydraulischer Systeme. Vortrag, Sitzung des Ausschusses für Anlagentechnik, 4. Dezember 2012, VDEh, Düsseldorf

  8. M. Jelali: Modellierung und Regelung komplexer Systeme mit neuronalen Netzen. Probevorlesung zur Habilitation, Universität Duisburg–Essen, 25. Januar 2010, Germany

  9. M. Jelali: Control System Performance Monitoring. Vortrag zur Habilitationsschrift, Universität Duisburg–Essen, 2. Oktober 2009, Germany

  10. M. Jelali, F. Gorgels, R. Lathe, J. Polzer, A. Wolff: Model-based flatness control systems. Vortrag, BFI-Lizenznehmer-Treffen, 18. Juni 2008, Düsseldorf, Germany

  11. M. Jelali: New flatness control systems for rolling mills. Vortrag, Symposium of HARP Cold Rolling Network, Hydro Aluminium, 21. November 2007, R&D Centre Bonn, Germany

  12. M. Jelali, R. Lathe, F. Gorgels, J. Kazmierski, H. Röther., D. Sonnenschein, A. Wolff, H. Kothe, S. Mintken: Optimale Leistung von Walzgerüsten durch die Anwendung komplexer Prozessmodelle bei der Stichplangestaltung und durch modellprädiktive Planheitsregelung. Vortrag, BFI-Kolloquium ”Walzwerks- und Oberflächentechnik”, 11. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf, Germany

  13. B. Stranzinger, M. Jelali, T. Müller: Hohe Oberflächengüte bei der Bandverzinkung durch verbesserte Atmosphären- und Temperaturregelung in Wärmebehandlungsöfen. Vortrag, BFI-Kolloquium ”Walzwerks- und Oberflächentechnik”, 11. Juni 2007, Düsseldorf, Germany

  14. A. Wolff*, M. Jelali, M. Thorman, T. Müller: Verbesserte Temperaturregelung in Glühlinien durch Einsatz von Verfahren des Control Performance Monitoring. ASMET, Forum für Metallurgie und Werkstofftechnik, 2007, Leoben, Austria

  15. F. Gorgels, M. Jelali, G. Mücke, U. Müller, C.-D. Wuppermann*: Latest developments in flatness measurement and flatness control. IISI TECHCO-Meeting, 2007, Marseilles, France

  16. M. Jelali, D. Sonnenschein, A. Wolff, T. Palovaara: Badspiegelschwankungen. Vortrag, BFI-Kolloquium ”Gießen und Warmumformen”, 13. Juni 2006, Düsseldorf, Germany

  17. M. Jelali: Sollwert-Adaption an Vorbandprofil/Koordinierte Regelung. Vortrag, Sitzung Kaltwalzausschuss - Unterausschuss Kaltband, 21. April 2004, Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany

  18. M. Jelali: Automatische Überwachung, Bewertung und Diagnose der Performance von Regelungen. Vortrag, Sitzung Kaltwalzausschuss - Unterausschuss Kaltband, 21. April 2004, Eisenhüttenstadt

  19. M. Jelali: Bandlauf-Planheit. Vortrag, Sitzung Kaltwalzausschuss - Unterausschuss Kaltband, 21. April 2004, Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany

  20. M. Jelali, A. Wolff, A. Müller: Prädiktive, modellgestützte Regelungskonzepte beim Warm- und Kaltwalzen Koordinierte Planheitsregelung für Kaltwalzstraßen. Vortrag, BFI-Kolloquium ”Walzwerks- und Oberflächentechnik”, 15. Juli 2004, Düsseldorf, Germany

  21. M. Jelali, A. Wolff, H. Peters, H.-J. Kipper, M. Schiller, F. Seidenberg: Koordinierende Planheitsregelung einer mehrgerüstigen Kaltwalztandemstraße mit Online-Adaption der Biegesollwerte. Vortrag, Sitzung Kaltwalzausschuss - Unterausschuss Kaltband, 5. Juni 2002, Düsseldorf, Germany

Post-doc Thesis (Habilitationsschrift)

M. Jelali (2010): Control System Performance Monitoring: Assessment, Diagnosis and Improvement of Control Loop Performance in Industrial Automation. University of Duisburg-Essen


M. Jelali (1997): Über die nichtlineare Approximation und Zustandsschätzung zeitkontinuierlicher dynamischer Prozesse. Universität Duisburg. Fortschritt-Berichte VDI Reihe 8 Nr. 636. VDI Verlag, Düsseldorf 

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